Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home And Tribal Affairs Department Tender Notice

 Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home And Tribal Affairs Department Tender Notice
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home & Tribal Affairs Department intends to engage the consulting firms for invitation of Technical/Financial Proposals from the open market for the Feasibility / Design and supervision of the following work to be executed under ADP (2013-14). S.No. Name of Work Type of services required/Scope of work Feasibility study, detailed Designing and Supervision.
I Safe City Project Peshawar The Terms of Reference/Broader scope or works for consultants / firms include but not limited to: I Identify suitable locations for vigilance / securing of Peshawar City. II Identify suitable location for command and control Center and for establishing monitoring stations. Evaluate different types of cameras and associated peripherals and propose appropriate solution suitable to thc climatic conditions of the city and as per requirements of the stakeholders. IV. Evaluate different options for medium of communication including establishment of Optical Fiber network with the ownership / proprietary rights of the consulting fine and free cost services for the client. V. Develop the solution architecture, vvhich should be modular and scalable; and develop detailed specifications for its various components. VI. Survey the international market for industty-standard Video Management Software (VMS) and Video Surveillance Software; prepare suitable comparative statements for the stakeholders; and propose the appropriate platform for the project. VII. Identify and Design an integrated solution, involving Home, Police, Excise, Transport department, Rescue, Health, Disaster Management authorities, etc, catering for Crime Control, Terrorism, Traffic Management, Disaster Management , Emergency & Municipal Services etc. VIII. The proposed solution shall cover Surveillance, Vehicles idcntification, Foreigners Identification, Criminals / Militants identification. IX. Diagnostic analysis of the FIR capacity within the Police Department and identify areas of intervention. X. Indemnify the Client to the effect that the consultants shall, entirely be responsible for design and product qualitatively and quantitatively as per the reform agendas/Teems of References. XI. Any other additional Task related to the execution of the projects if required including / defending observations, inspection reports and litigation etc at difference forum. T h e consultants must be registered in the relevant fields having valid license. The applications shall also contain the following information: I. Full address of the firm including land line / Fax, cells, E-mail and any other contacts. 2. General and overall experience of the firm(s). 3. Experience of working in similar geographic regions of the Country. 4. Armual turnover of the firm(s) for the last five years. 5. Nature, cost, per month inputs, employer, location and disciplines required for the work undertaken. 6. Experience of the firm(s) in the required area of expertise showing details of works carried out in last Three (3) years and works presently in hand. 7. Summary of permanent professional employees, resource persons, including Income Tax return of staff. 8. National Tax No. with Tax return submission certificate for the current / proceeding years. 9. Affidavit that the Firm is not involved in any arbitration / Dispute / Civil suite etc. 10. In case of Joint Venture, the application / broacher be submitted accordingly. The consultant / joint venture will submit a Comprehensive Technical Proposal in English (original + one copy) and Financial Proposal (original + one copy) in separated sealed envelopes, for the services required under the Terms of Reference latest by 5th February 2014 till 02:00 P.M. After Evaluation of Technical proposals, the financial proposals of consultants who secure passing marks in the Technical Evaluation will bc opened later on with intimation to the consultants for participation in the opening of financial proposals. Request for Proposals / leans of Reference can be obtained fwm the office of undersigned during office hours.
Section Officer (Dev.) Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home & Tribal Affairs Department. Ph:091-9210238 Fax No,091-9210201
Also available on INF(P)275

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