Directorate General Health Services Punjab 24-Cooper Road Lahore Tender Notice

Director General Health Services Punjab, 24-Cooper Road, Lahore re-invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders for supply of following store:

Directorate General Health Services Punjab 24-Cooper Road Lahore Tender Notice

Sal Store Tender Fee. 1/43""habit) Place of delivery 1. Drugs/Medicines, Surgical Disposable for Die 0/1HQ Hospitals in Punjab. Ps. 500/ Govt. M.S.D. 2. Drugs/Medicines for CDC. Rs. 500/- 3 T.B lab. Item(s)./CDC/templates Rs.500/- 4. General store and Stationary items. Ps. 500/.. D.G.N.SPb.
The prospective-bid clears also required to quote competitive prices on.Delivered.Duty Paid (DDP) / free delivery basis at the consignee's end.
Last date and time of submission of tender 03/02/2014 1000 A.M. Date and time of openingsf tender. 03/02/2014 1100 A.M. Call deposit. 2% Venue Purchase Cell, Directorate General Health Services Punjab, 24•Cooper Road, Lahore.
Interested eligible bidders may get the Bidding Documents on submission of written application along with tender fee (non-refundable) during office hours. However, a copy of the bidding document and detailed specifications are also available on the website of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (vAvw.ppra puniab Roy pk). Bidding will be conducted through single Stage — Two Envelopes bidding procedure as per Rule 36(b) of Punjab Procurement Rules 2009 (Amended). Bids must be delivered to Purchase Cell, Directorate General Health Punjab, 24— Cooper Road, Lahore. Bid security of 2% of the total bid value in the shape of Pay Order! Bank Draft/ Call Deposit required to be supported with the financial  bid. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders/representatives at Conference Hall, Directorate General Health Services Punjab, Lahore. All or any bid in part or TOTO can be cancelled by the Procuring Agency without assigning any reason. Note: 1. MI assessments and procuring procedure i.e. receiving, opening and awarding etc. shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009. 2. Bids / Tenders (Technical and Financial) are required item wise separately. 3. T.E.No. must be mentioned on each envelop (Technical and Financial Bid).
Director General Health Services Punjab, 24 — Cooper Road, Lahore IPL-615

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