Cantonment Executive Officer Hyderabad Cantt Tender for Notice

Sealed tenders are invited from the firms who are registered with the Ca.. Board Hyderabad and also got their renewal for the financial year 2013-14 for the execution of original works as mentioned hereunder on the basis of below or above MES schedule of rates 2009 as amended up to date.
Cantonment Executive Officer Hyderabad Cantt Tender for Notice

S. No. Description of Works Estimated Cost in Million Earnest Money (Rs.) Completion Period Tender Cost (Rs.) 1 Construction of Building for Commercial Halls at near Alpine Centre, Hyderabad Gantt. 10.00 200,000 4 Months 10,000/- 2 Construction of 11 Nos. Halls over existing Cantt. Shopping Centre near Defence Park at Thandi Sarak Hyderabad Cann. 7.20 144,000 4 Months 7200/- 3 Laying of PE pipeline 160rnm 0 from DOHS-II Pump House to Civil Lines, Hyderabad Ca.. 2.40 48,000 1 Months 2400/-
TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. The tenders should be free from cutting or overwriting, etc. 2. Tender documents/estimates/plans/specifications can be obtained from the office on any working day during office hours on payment (non-refundable) as mentioned above on or before 31st January 2014. 3. The tenders form shall be issued on receipt of call deposit and photocopy of CNIC. 4. The tenders will only be issued to those contractors who have got their registration renewed from PEC for the year 2013-14. S. The tenders shall be quoted in the tender box on 3rd February 2014 at 02:00 pm and shall be opened on the same day in the presence of contractors or their authorized representative, who may like to be present. 6. The conditional tender shall not be entertained/considered. 7. The Cam. Board Hyderabad shall not supply any kind of material and machinery to the contractors. 8. Other information can be obtained from this office during office hours. 9. Cantonment Executive Officer/Cantt. Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders. 10. The work will commence after the approval of competent authority.
PH: 022-9200105 Fax: 022-9200104

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