Ajk Environmental Protection Planning & Development Department Muzaffarabad Plastic Products

Govt. of AJ&K Environmental Protection Agency Planning & Development Department
Pro-degradant Additives for Oxo-degradable Plastic Products
The Azad Jammu & Kashmir Environmental Protection Agency (AJK-EPA), with the approval of the Government, has banned non-degradable plastic products in territory of Azad State of Jammu & Kashmir through promulgation of regulation namely
Ajk Environmental Protection Planning & Development Department Muzaffarabad Plastic Products
"Prohibition of Non-degradable Plastic Products (manufacture, sale and usage) Regulations, 2013" vide Notification No. P&DD/Genera1/4217-42/2013, dated January 02, 2014. Under these Regulations no person shall import, manufacture. stockpile, trade, supply, distribute, sell or use any scheduled plastic product, which is non-degradable and any licence or permission issued to any person under any law for such purposes before the commencement of these regulation shall cease to be effective. Under section-04 of the Regulations (Authorization), no pro-degradant additive shall be sold, distributed or imported by any company or manufacturer of scheduled plastic product without registration with the Agency. In order to obtain the registration of pro-degradant additive from the Agency the applicant shall submit the following documents as a minimum, namely: (a). Test certificates for additive from independent third party laboratory that is accredited in accordance with ISO 17025. Tests must be carried out in accordance with the test methods prescribed by Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) / ASTM D-6954 - 04 standard and the reports must clearly state the percentage of pro-degradant additive which must be consistent for all the tests namely degradation bio- degradation and eco-toxicity; (b). Certificate of membership of Oxo-biodegradable Plastics Association: (c). Certificate of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditation; (d). An authorized officer may, by notice in writing, require a person to supply him within fifteen days with such samples, certificates,
records and information as he/she may reasonably require for the purpose of ascertaining whether that person is
complying with the provisions of these regulations. All interested persons (industries, firms, companies) may file their applications completed by all respects for registration purpose, as mentioned above, addressed to the undersigned within 15 days from the date of this advertisement.
1E; Abdul Qayyum Chaudhary CN1 Director General, AJK-EPA cn :4- H. No. B-97, Upper Chatter Housing Scheme, Muzaffarabad, AJ&K. Tel. No. 05822-921082,921541
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