Sindh Madressatul Islam University Smiu Notice for Tender

Sindh Madressatul Islam University Smiu Notice for Tender

Sindh Madressatul Islam University 
Aiwan-e-Tijarat Road, Karachi 74000. NO MU/TENDER-2013 Phones: (021 99217501-02-03, Fax: (021) 99217504 URL 
Sealed tenders on prescribed forms are invited from the reputed General order suppliers, (who are registered with Income Tax/Sales Tax directorate) for Stationery, printing, cleaning & sanitation as per provision of rule 46(1) of SPPRA 2010 (Single stage-one Envelop procedure), Composed text and pictures will be provided by SMIU. 
DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Time limit for work completion 1. Stationery Materials As per requirement mentioned in tender documents 20 days 2. Printing Material -do- 3. Sanitation & general cleaning materials -do-
2. The blank Tender documents can be obtained from the Development & Service Department Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi against the written request and proof of registration with Sindh Borad of Revenue (SRB). GST & Income Tax Department with a Pay Order/ Demand Draft of the Tender Fee amounting Rs.500/= which is non-refundable, in favor of Sindh Madressatul Islam University on any working day during office hours up to date closing i.e. 2nd January 2014 from the Development & Service Department by submitting an application on company's letterhead along with complete profile of supplier and tender fee from 18th December 2013 to 2nd January 2014. 3. The filed sealed Tenders will be received back on 2nd January 2014 by 1:00 pm and will be opened on same day at 2:00 pm, before all interested contractors/firms or their authorized agents who intend to be present. 4. The earnest money at the rate of 2% in the shape of call deposit pledged in the name of Sindh Madressatul Islam University from any scheduled bank should be attached with the tenders. 5. Conditional tenders will not be entertained. 6. The University may reject any or all bids subject to the relevant provisions in Sindh SPPRA Rules 2010. 7. In case any unforeseen situation resulting in closure of office on the date of opening or if Government declares Holiday the tender shall be submitted/opened on the next working day at the same time and venue PID (K) # 1439/13 Executive Engineer (SMIU)

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