Pakistan Engineering Council PEC Islamabad Jobs

Pakistan Engineering Council PEC Islamabad Jobs

Pakistan Engineering Council Attention of Engineers is Invited:
All engineering graduates holding accredited engineering qualification are required to obtain registration/renewal of their membership with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Therefore, all engineers are advised to adhere to the following instructions.
For Fresh Engineering Graduates
According to PEC Act 1976, the registration of engineer with PEC as "Registered Engineer" is mandatory to undertake any professional engineering work (except independently signing design) and for practice of engineering profession in Pakistan. Non-compliance may lead to civil/criminal liability as per PEC Act 1976.
For Registered Et Professional Engineers
Renewal of registration is mandatory, otherwise as per section 19(1) (b) of PEC Act 1976, the Registrar may remove the name of the Engineer, who has failed to have his/her certificate of registration renewed, within one year of the date of its expiry Consequently, such engineers will not be eligible to undertake/execute professional engineering works, and may be subjected to penalties under section 27(1) of the PEC Act 1976.
For Employers and Organizations
It is binding on alt employers to employ only those engineers for undertaking professional engineering work whose names are borne on the Register of the Council and have valid registration certificate/card. Lin-registered as well as Engineers having in-valid/expired registration with PEC are not eligible to undertake/execute professional engineering works, and may be subjected to penalties under the PEC Act 1976. All Public and private sector organizations involved in engineering works are informed that only those engineers registered as "Professional Engineer" with PEC are authorized to independently sign the engineering design. No other person is allowed to sign the engineering design under PEC Act 1976.
Engineers Who Paid Life Time Subscription
PEC issues Renewal Cards to engineers for maximum upto three years, even if they have paid life time subscription fee, in order to keep their profiles updated in record and on website. Therefore, all such engineers who have paid life subscription fee but have not obtained renewal cards are advised to visit PEC HQ or any Branch Office for issuance of Renewal Card without any fee.
Incentive for Payment of Life Time Subscription
PEC has already introduced an incentive scheme for Professional Engineers to get their registration renewed after payment of Rs. 2,000 Rupees(Two Thousand only) as life time subscription fee. The scheme is valid upto 31 December, 2013. For further details and help, please call at 051-111 111 732 or visit www. pec. org. pk
Note: Renewal form can be downloaded from PEC website
Secretary/ Registrar Pakistan Engineering Council Ataturk Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad.

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