Sealed Technical & Financial Offers are invited by Lahore General Hospital Lahore from experienced and well reputed firms for the provi-sion of security services comprising eight former army men. I. The Technical Proposal will consist of firm's director/management offices in Lahore, details &. qualification of technical & supervisory stall/practical experience in relevant work/past experience, detail of equipment, list of bidder's property, administrative capability and list of employer organizations, detail of material as well as the mode of usage. The Financial Proposal will include the cost of salaries of stiff and supervisor as well as arms etc. 3. According to Punjab Procurement Rules No. (36-A) 2009 Two-enve-lope procedure will be followed to submit proposals. The considera-tion of Financial Proposal is subject to the approval of Technical Proposal. Therefore, both the proposals be submitted in separate envelopes. 4. All the necessary terms & conditions/instructions are included in tender documents. Rest of the details will be as per the tender notice Of hospital. 5. The interested firms/agencies can get tender documents from the Cashier, Lahore General Hospital Lahore against payment of Rs.500/- (non-refundable) up to 11:00 AM of 31-12-2013 , which will be opened the same day in the presence of desirous tenderers at 12:00 Noon. 6. The bidder will have to attach two per cent earnest money in favour of Medical Superintendent. Lahore General Hospital Lahore as CDR (non-refundable except successful bidders) with the Offer. Non-com-pliance will render them ineligible to participate in tender. The suc-cessful firm will be bound to deposit five per cent security. 7. The Principal & Medical Superintendent, Lahore General Hospital Lahore reserve the right to annul any or all tenders fully or partially without assigning any reason thereof against which no legal pro-ceedings will be initiated. Conditions for Security Guard 8: Retired army men (3135-50 years. 9. Arms license holder. 10. Height not less than 5% 7 11. Has good moral character and not involved in any litigation etc. Has not been terminated from service prior to this. 12. Medically fit. 13. The company would be held responsible if any personnel was found involved in any illegal or immoral activity. Dr. Muhammad Amjad Shehzad Medical Superintendent, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore
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