Karachi Metropolitan Corporation Karachi Notice for Tender

Karachi Metropolitan Corporation Karachi Notice for Tender

KARACHI METROPOLITAN CORPORATION OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (CM)  ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 4th Floor, Room No. C-412, Civic Centre, Gulshan-Ne-lqbal, Karachi. No. SE/CM/Engg. Dept/KMC/908/13 Dated: 09-12-2013 N. TIC H D - s Envelope  Pamaltiscie aser Sa sii....s.S) Tenders are invited on Single Stage — Two Envelope Procedure in two separate sealed envelopes; one containing Financial Proposal and the other containing Technical Proposal for the following works. The contractors having experience in similar nature of works and registered with PEC in relevant category having up-to-date renewed License and having valid Electrical Contractor's License from Government of Sindh, are required to purchase tender documents and submit their proposals in two separate envelopes clearly marked "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL' & "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL' as per schedule given hereunder:-S. No. Tender Reference Number Name of Scheme Estimated Cost Rs. Bid Security Tender Cost Rs. Category as per PEC 1. KMC/CM/ED/ 139/11-12 (Re-Invite) Construction of Flyover at Golimar Intersection Nazimabad No. 1 (Karachi Package) 334.774 Million 6.696 Million 3,000 C-2, C-1, C-B & C-A / CE02 Schedule shall be as follows: SCHEDULE DATE &TIME VENUE 1. Receiving of Application & Issuance of Tender From 19.12.2013 to 06.01.2014 During Office Hours Office of Director (Accounts), Engineering 4th Floor Civic Centre Gulshan-e-lqbal, Department, KMC situated at the Right Wing, Karachi 2. Dropping of Tender 08.01.2014 at 2:00 pm Committee Room of Director General (TS), KMC 4th Floor, Civic Centre, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi 3. Opening of Tender 08.01.2014 at 2:30 pm Committee Room of Director General (TS), KMC 4th Floor, Civic Centre, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi TERMS & CONDITIONS: given criteria shall be returned unopened to the respective bidders. 1. The tenders in sealed covers mentioning name of work and marked as "Technical" and "Financial" Offer should be dropped in the tender box kept at the place and time mentioned above, 2. Initially, the technical proposals will be opened by the Tender Opening Committee on the date and time mentioned above, whereas the financial proposal will be retained with KMC after evaluation of the technical proposals. 3. In case, due to any reason, no tenders are received on the above dates then the next date of submission and opening will be 30.01.2014 and accordingly the tender documents will be available for sale upto 29.01.2014.4. The technical proposals submitted by the bidders will be evaluated by Procurement Committee and thereafter financial proposals of technically qualified bids will be opened by the same Committee on the date and time to be communicated to the bidders. 5. The financial proposals of the bids found technically unqualifed as per 6. In case the date of sale, opening of tenders is declared as a public holiday by the Government or non-working day due to any reason, the next working day shall be deemed to be the date for last date of sale and submission and opening of tenders accordingly. The time and venue shall remain the same. 7. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals subject to the relevant provision of SPPRA Rules 2010. 8. Canvassing in connection with tendering is strictly prohibited and proposals submitted by the contractors who are resorted to be involved in canvassing are liable for rejection. 9. The proposals received in unsealed covers will not be entertained and no proposal will be received after scheduled date and time. Superintending Engineer (CM), Karachi Metropolitan Corporation KMC/MM/947/2013 INF-KRY: 3033113

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