Jamshoro Power Company Ltd Jpcl Tender Notice

Jamshoro Power Company Ltd Jpcl Tender Notice

Sealed Tenders are hereby Re-Invited from WAPDA & all other Federal and Govt. Contractors having the Pak'stan Engineering Council valid registration for the year 2013 enlisted with having WAPDA for the year 2013-14 and registered with SRB having active tax payer NTN.
Sr. Tender No. No. Description Estimated Cost Earnest Money Schedule 1. TIC-110 Filling of Sand by the Bore Holes for Under Ground Cavities in Semi Plant Area Unit No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 TPS,Jamshoro. Rs. 2,790,684.00/- 03% BOG Cost Last Date of Issue 02-01-2014 Up to 16:00 Hrs. Opening Date 03-01-2014 At 15:00 Hrs.
Purchase of Tenders
Tenders can be purchased upon furnishing of order of enlistment with WAPDA, Pakistan Engineering Council's license & 3% Earnest Money in shape of a Call Deposit in favour of The Chief Executive Officer (GENC0-1) JPCL, Jamshoro in original from the following offices: i. OM The General Manager, (Thermal) GHCL, 197 WAPDA House, Lahore. ii. 010 The Chief Executive Officer, TPS Jamshoro. iii. 010 The Resident Representative, WAPDA, 189/P Block-2, PECHS, Near PECHS CollegelSchool, Karachi. Rs. 1,000.001- (Non-refundable). En The sealed bids must be dropped in the tender box up to 14:30 Hrs. Bids will be opened publicly on the scheduled date at 15:00 Hrs. in the office of the under signed. In case the Government announces any public holiday OR due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender will be opened on the next working day. The procuring agency may reject all the bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bidet proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds, As Per PPRA Rule-33(1).
MANAGER M.N1 , FOR THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, JPCL, JAMSHORO PID(L)1085(13) This notice is also available at PPRA Website. www.ppra.org.pk 36888-89(13)

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