Sealed tenders based on item rates/percentage above or below on MRS 'District Jhang are hereby invited in accordance with rule 36(a) of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009 (Amended) for the works mentioned betow from the eligible contractors/tirms enlisted with 'Works & Services Department, District Jhang/Communication & Works Department Government of the Punjab in the field of BUildings works. Tender:documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned against writ-ten request accompanied with attested copies of enlistment/upto date renewal letter and fee receipt. PEC license, authority letter on stamp paper duly registered. Identity Card of contraetor/Managinu partner 'of the firm alongwith registered power of attorney andon payment of prescribed tender fee which will be received in shape of C.D.R/Bank draft from any scheduled Bank. Tendered rates and amounts should be tilled io figures aS well as in words and ten-ders should be Signed as per general directions given in the feeder documents. No rebate on tendered rates will be acceptable, Tenders will be received in the office Of the undersigned upto 2:00 P.M on the date of opening of tenders and will be opened imMediately there after by the tender opening conanittee in the presence Of intending contractors or their representatives.: Conditional tenders and tenders not Accompanied with tamest money in shape of deposit at call receipt from Scheduled Bank will not be entertained. In case the total tendered amount is less then 59 of the approval estimated (DN IT) amount, the lowest Bidder will have to Deposit additional Performance Security from the schedule Bank ranging from 5% or above as the case may be within 15 days Of issuance of notice in this regard. Undersigned shall have the tight of rejecting any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Last Date for issue of tender is 06.01.21114 during the: office hours & the Tenders opening date is 09.01.2014.
Sr. Name of Work No
Estimated Cost/Earnest Money
Sr. Name or Work No
Estimated T.S. No/ Completion Tender Cost/Earnest Date Time Fee Rs. Money
VIAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 M&R to P/T, R/A for Officers 60000 Grade 16-17 Residence No. 1200 49 M&R to Mosque in Works & Services Compound, Jhang.
50 M&R to Mosque in Officer Colony, Toba Road, Jhang. 51 M&R to Quarter No. 18 Near Veterinary Hospital, Tehsil Road,,Jhang. 52 M&R to House No. 1 Government Agriculture Farm, bang. 53 M&R to House No. 2, Government Agriculture Farm. hang. 54 M&R to Residence- of EDO (W&S) Jhang. 55 M&R to Residence DO (Buildings) Jhane. 56 M&R to Zila Council Quarter No. 1, Jhang. 57 M&R to Zila Council Quarter No. 6, Mang. 58 M&R to Zito Council Quarter No. 4, Near Tehsil Office, Jhang. 59 M&R to Quarter (Chowkidar o/o EDO (F&P) Zila Council, Jhang. fai M&R to Quarter (Sweeper o/o EDO-(.-P&P) Zila Council, Jhang, 61 M&R to House No. 2 Government Special Education, Mudduki Road, lhang. 62 M&R to Foreman Quaner Roads, Jail Road, bang. 63 M&R to Driver -Quarter Roads, Jail Road; Jhang. 64 M&R. or Flat No.1 Near District Courts, bang. 65 IM&R of "Plat No. -6 Near District Courts. Jilting. .66 IvI&R of Buildings Staff Quarter No. D-2, Jhang. 67 M&R of Buildings Staff Quarter No. E-4, Jhang. 68 M&R of Buildings Staff Quarter No. E-5, hang. 69 :M&R to Staff Quarter No: 1 Dhajji Road, bang. 70 M&R to Staff Quarter No: 3 Dhajji Road. Jhan,g. 71 M&R to Staff Quarter No. 4 Dhaiji Road. hang. 72 M&R to Staff Quarter No. 5 Dhajji Road. Mang. 73 M&R to Government Secondary School of Special Education. Jhang. 74 Provision of Soling approach for Quarters; Officer Colony, TT. Singh Road, Jhang. 75 M&R to Staff Quarter No. B-2. Buildings. Staff Colony, Jhang. 76 M&R of Residence (Pathologist) at Colony DHQ Hospital, .1 hang. 77 M&R work Residence of Mr. Farhat Abbas Shah. Assistant DI1Q Hospital, bang. 78 M&R work Residence of Dr. Muhammad Zafar lqbal Khan, Additional Medical Superintendent DHQ Hospital, .1 hang. 79 M&R work Residence of Dr. Muhammad Naseem Ansari, APM0 DHQ Hospital, Jhang. 80 'M&R work Residence of Dr. Asif Ran Khan, Medical Officer Dl-IQ Hospital, Jhang. 81 M&R work Residence of Mrs. Firdous. Bareen, Brain' Charge Nurse DEIQ Hospital, Jhang. M&R work Residence of Mr. Ghulam Yasin, OT Attendant DFIQ Hospital, Mang. 83 M&R ,work Residence of Mr. Muhammad Mudassar, Ward Servant DI-IQ Hospital. jhang. 84 M&R work Residence of Mr. Muhammad Ashra Naib Qasid, DHQ Hospital, Thane. 85 .M&.R work Residence of Mr. Mehbob Aalam, Strecherman DFIQ Hospital, Jhang. 86 M&R work Residence of Mr. Irshad Hussain Shah, Senior. Clerk at DHQ Hospital, Jhang. Si M&R to Boundary Wall, Gate & Gate Pillar at Pa, R/A for Officers / Officials Staff Colony, Toba Road, Jhang.
Note: incase Incase of non receipt of Tenders on the above date for any of the above work the .same will be issued on 13.01.2014. and opened on 16.01.2014. DISTRICT OFFICER BUILDINGS DIVISION, JHANG. (1.11R-(1) IPL-123Q1
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