University Of The Punjab Lahore Jhelum Admissions

University Of The Punjab Lahore Jhelum Admissions
BS / BBIT / nom / BBA / LLB (5 - Year) / MA / M.Sc / MPA / MBA / Mom / MLS / MIOM / MBSM / LLB (3- Year) Morning & Self-Supporting (Afternoon/Replica/Evening) Programs
The admission applications for the academic year-2013 are invited for admission in the following Departments/Institutes/Colleges/Centres
University of the Punjab
Eligibility for 8$ or Equivalent • The candidates holding F.A.I.Sc or egg/vale/it qualification with at least 2nd division and age not more than 24 years are eligible for admission • 2 marks will be deducted from percent academic marks for each Late session to a maximum of immediate last two sessions. Clearance of Pre-Admission Entry Test Is mandatory for the admission against merit as well as reserved seats only In the Depadmentsr Institutes/ Centres/ Col egos who have opted or the E ntryTest. Eligibility forMA/MSc or Equivalent • The candidates holding BA/B.Sc (14-Years of Education) or equivalent qualification with at least 2nd DMsion and age not more-thin 26 years are eligible for admissionThe age limit of candidates applying for Masters Rregram in College of Ari & Design should not be more than 28 years. • 2 marts will be deducted from percent academic marks for each Late session to a maximum of immediate last two sessions • 50% seats are reserved for graduates from Punjab University and rest SO% shall be filled on open merit basis. Clearance of Preadmishon EntryTest rs mandatory for the admission against merit as well as reserved seats only in theDepartments/ institutes/ Centres/ Colleges who have opted for the Entry Test. All the admissions for BS or equvalent MA/M.5c or equivalent and 1.1.2 Programs shall be made on the basis of 70% academics and 30% Entry Test performance. for College of Art & Design, the mein shall be made on the basis of 50% academics & 50% Entry Test performanceand interview. Testimonials (not necessarily attested) should beattached with the Application Form. Incomplete forms shall not beentenained. The atxwe mentioned rules related to age shall not apply to the candidates seeking admission in Self Supporting (Evening) programs. Note: Punjab Educational Endowment fund 1PEEF) is providing scholarshiptodeserving and mentaious students who got them enrolled in the University of the Punjab. Eligibility of BS/MA/M.Sc. Self-Supporting Programs (Afternoon/ Replka/ Evening) Eligibility and basic criteria for admission in Self-supporting (Afternoon/ Replica! Evening) programs of 89MA/M.Sc or equivalent will be the same as for morning programs EntryTest conducted by saneDepartmentsfor morning course-% is also mandatory and applicable for Self.suppotteg (Afternoon/ Pep/Rai Evening: programs. There is no age limit or session preference for Self-supporting (Afternoon/ Replica) Evening) programs. Hostel accommodation facility shaN not be provided to the students admitted under Self-Supporting Programs. The AdmissionOffice will remain open on Satutdaysduring the admission days All relevant information Will be availa be at the Admission desk of each Department/ Centre/ institute' Colkew Unreersity is not bound to provide hostel accommodation to each and every admitted student. Limited accommodation shall be allotted on merit basis.
Admissions on Sports Seat • 2% seats have been reiSavael for admission on Sports basis. Only those studontskandidates are eligible to apply for admission on sports basis who have participated in SportsTrials and their names have been recommended by Sports Rased Admasion Committee, headed by 0:recto' Sports. No other candidates will be considered for admission on sports basis. • Forms for admission on sports basis will be issued only to candidates whose names have been recommended by Sports Based Admission Committee and these forms must be obtained from and submitted to thetorxemed department within due date Admission on Reserved Seats other than Spoils Seats: • One reserved seat isallocated for candidates from Baloehistan Province in each programof ever/Department provided they must haw their qua/Aran«) and Domicile from Balochistan. No nomination Is required from any authority. Candidates from Babchistan Province can apply directly for admissions in the concerned Cepartment/ Centre/Institute/ College's( University of the Punjab. • The details regarding other reserved seats are available at the Admission desk of emy Department/ Centre/ Institute! College Availability:if Admission Forms Preunbed Admissions Forms for all programs le. BS Of equivalent/ MA. M Sc or equivalent shall be available on 18-9-2013 from the respective DepartmenteCentreelnstiutes/Colleges.l.rd datefor thesutenission of Admission Forms is 28-09-2013. Admissions Forms will also be avai Lible at the folloning branches of the HabibBankLtd for t he convenience of the students.
Azad goad, Sarged b.
Railway goad, Faisalabad
BankSquare. &grannie
farid Gate, Bahawalpur
/Mesh (liewk,Salihral
Hale Brand.. OIL Khan
Railway Road, Shelkhupura
Railway Road, Itasur
Guiranwala Campus
Contact No. 055-92012254
BSA (Regular & Self.supponing). BS-IT (Regular & Self-Supporting), B.Com Nons (Regular & Self•Supponingi. M. Com 1,, Yrs-Regular), M.Com IVOYrs-Regular &Self -Supporting), MBA(i vi Yrs Regular), 11.11 -3•Yrs (Regular & Self iSupportimp, M.Sc-IT (Regular & Self-Supporting)
Commercial Center Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
Main Branch, Mispur,
Main Brandt, Muzaffarabad, MR
Nasal. Agahl, gale Brash, Malta.
Jhelum and Gujranwala Campus The Jhelum Is GutraNtiaid Campus Mil Vow the same schedule as that of Lahore CoMPJa PUI`Ob UniveTsity. The Plagferfl• offered in Thelon& Guinn/cal-10mm aregiven bebw.
Jhelum Campus
Contact No.0544448780, 05444441770
8BA (Regular), B. Corn (Regular), 85 Computer Science (Regular), LL8 (3-Years-Regular)
-I Chairman, Admission Committee, Lahore Campus Ph: 042-99230259 '7= Prof. Dr. Liaqat Ali Gujranwla Campus Ph: 055-9201225-6 I Jhelum Campus Ph: 0544448780, 0544448770
Creative Junction Sue Full Pine
Faculty of Engineering & Faculty of Economics & Technology Management Sciences Faculty of Behavioral & Social Sciences Faculty of Commerce Halley College of Comm Contact No. 99231273, 9923032S Website: Institute of Administrative Sciences of Colon= 5 Contact No. 99239504. 35952911 E-mail: Contact No.99231164-5. 99231810-1 E-mail: infolasOpuodopk Website: Contact No. 992305/8 E-mail: directoricadpuedu.pR Haile Ca of Bank' Contact No. 99213791-92 Institute of Business Administration Contact No.99231257, 35858585 rtment of Political Science Contact No. 99231229 Fax No. 99213796 Website: Institute of Qual &Takla° Mena mint Contact No.99230084 E-mail: dire< totintrniapu ed Website: E-mail:chairpersonMpoisc ipuodupk Webstte: Department of Social Wart Faculty of Lite Sciences Institute of Business & information Techn Contact No. 99230825.26 Contact No. 99231553 Faculty of Science Website: http:Mbitpuedupk C-mail:chairmandsvnPpoedo.PR Department of A led Psychoiog Admission Link:• 'In case of admissions in SIT, admission forms must Institute of Social & Cultural Studies Contact No. 99231235 be submitted online at the above mentioned link Contact No. 99231231 E-mail: infoappsy@pu.edopk Contact No. 99230463 E-mail: E-mail: javed_dogerashotmaixom E-mail: Centre for Clinical Psychology partmento conomcs Contact No. 99231167 Contact No. 99231145 chairman.ecoMpuedudak Fax No. 9923)146 Sciences Department of Gender Studies Contact No. 35953102 Contact No. 35952991, 35952993 E-mail: Department Library & information Science Fax No. 35953100 Contact No. 99231224 E-mail: principakeemiptheduaak Website: partmeM Faculty of Arts & Humanities Contact N&99231 152-110 E-mail: botanydepartment I Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology Institute of Geology Faculty of Education Contact No.99221252, 99231251 E-mail: rtment of Archaeology la=r1= Contact No. 99230328 E-mail: Contact No.99230355 E-mail: infromationibbidpuedupk Contact No. 99231241 Ext. 106 E-mail: chaisman.mathnpuedu plc E cation Contact No. 99230211 E-mail: chairman.dsedtpu.edumk • • rtmentofEn-Ilsh Deptof MIcrobkol &Molecular Genetics tre or nteg • (Amain searc Contact No. 99231168 Contact No. 35952811. 35952855 Contact No. 99230624-25.99230587 Institute of Education & Research E-mail: cimrpumyahooxorn Contact No. 99231263 E-mail: E-mail: Department of Physics rtment of Histo & Pak. Studies Institute of A rIcultural Sciences Contact No.99231243. 99230428 Email: Faculty of Oriental Learning Contact No. 99231170 E-mail: Contact No.99231846 Websitt. www.pu.ectu.pkiiags • • rtment of Philos* • Centre for High Energy Physics Dept. of Sports Sciences &Physical Education Contact No. 99231137 • . Contact No. 992308/34. 99230298 Contact No.99239047, 99239971 E-mail: Contact No. 35883295 .35834363 • E-mail:chaiimanphilarpu.edugk E-mail: chairrnan.sspedpuedupk Col Art & Design Contact No. 35952996, 99239294 chawmandespscpu.edopk • rtmatt of Zool 'Department of Kashm Contact No. 99212729 Contact No. 99231246 Contact No.99210835 E-mail: principaleadPpoeduOR E-mail: zoology departmentpu gg ma aeons E-mail Contact No. 99231271 • rtment o renc E-mail: Department of Psalm Contact No 35293858 E-mail: Faculty of Islamic Studies Contact No. 99210833 E-mail: persian.deptemphootom Contact No. 99230419 E-mail: chatrman.geogivuodu pk office.geogppu.edus* rtment of Punjabi Contact No. 99210834 Faculty of Law rtment mk Studies Contact No. 99231232 LellrrriTnriTrriftrIntra E-mail chairman.punjabidipu.eduok Punjab Unlit, Law College E-mail: Sh. Za edlsiamkcsntrs Contact Ws. 99211630, /11-923-923 Ext.149 & 132 rtment of Urdu • E-mail: Contact No.99210832 Contact No. 99231275-76,99231161 Contact No 99231140 Website: E-mail E-mail: principal E-mail: um poRthotrnaitcom

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