Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited FFC Rawalpindi Tender Notice

Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited FFC Rawalpindi Tender Notice
1.Sealed bids are invited for sale of Spent Catalyst lying at FFC Goth Machhi & Mirpur Mathelo on "as is where is" basis:-
Notes (1) All the quantities are rough estimate only (based on catalyst removed from reactor) (2) FFC shall not be responsible for any deviation in quantities or active ingredient composition from the typical estimates/values mentioned above.
2. Terms and Conditions for sale of used catalyst a. A simplified flow sheet and typical specifications of end product to be provided along with the bid. b Bidder must submit either a certificate from Pakistan Engineering Council that it is registered as a processor of the subject used catalyst, or a registration of relevant Chamber of Commerce & Industry that it is registered as a producer of the end product. c. The bidder must provide an 'Indemnity Certificate' to FFC in a format acceptable to FFC. indemnifying FFC from any and all potential claims that may arise due to processing of and end use of the 'end product'. Indemnity Bond shall be submitted to FFC of value not less than 20% of total price of the sold catalyst. d. FFC reserves the right to inspect the premises of the bidder to verify the process claimed to be used for processing of the catalyst. e. The bidder must certify that the end products shall not be used directly or indirectly for purposes of processing food or for sale to food processing industry where end use other than Ghee industry must be specified. f. The bidder must verify the quantities of the catalyst that is available with FFC at its cost and care. g. The bidder shall extricate and verify the condition of the catalyst at his cost and care. The used catalyst shall be sold to the successful bidder on 'as is where is basis'. No future claim of the bidder will be acceptable with regard to condition or quantity of the used catalyst. h Bidder shall submit its price on per ton basis of the catalyst. Active ingredient, i.e., Zinc, Copper, etc shall be determined by FFC at the time of dispatch and shall be the sole source of determining the quantity. 3. Sealed bids (excluding advance tax and sales tax) marked "QUOTATION FOR ABOVE ITEMS" with CN IC copy of bidder, 15% earnest money for all items in shape of Bank Draft/Pay order in favour of Fauji Fertilizer Company be submitted to reach undersigned by 1000 hours on 01 Oct 2013. Bids received late or without earnest money will not be entertained. Successful bidders will have to pay the remaining quoted amount and in addition 10% advance tax, 17% GST and 1% further tax in case of unregistered GST bidders within one week otherwise the sale will be cancelled and deposited money forfeited. Company reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason. 4. Above mentioned items can be inspected at the locations as shown against each on all working days from 0830 hours to 1530 hours except Saturday and Sunday. 5. Bids will be opened at Sona Tower 156 The Mall Rawalpindi at 1100 hours on 01 Oct 2013. FFC will shortlist highest bidders, negotiations will be carried out if required.
Senior Manager Procurement, FFC Limited 2"d Floor Sona Tower, 156 The Mall Rawalpindi, Tel: 051-8453670 051-8450001, Extn 3675
Ser. Catalyst Description Quantity Location a. High temperature shift catalyst (Active Ingredient Fe203-72-78.7%) Approx 65 Ton FFC GM b. Low temperature shift catalyst (Active Ingredient Cu0=53.6%) Approx 70 Ton FFC GM C. Secondary reforming catalyst (Active Ingredient Ni0-9.7%) Approx 19 Ton FFC GM d. High temperature shift catalyst (Active Ingredient Fer03-72-78.7%) Approx 48 Ton FFC MM e. Desulphurizer catalyst (Active Ingredient Zn0= 83.6%) Approx 16.5 Ton FFC MM

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