Ajk Highways Circle Muzaffarabad Tender Notice

Ajk Highways Circle Muzaffarabad Tender Notice
Date: 06-09-2013 Bid Reference No.:- AMB-BR /395 T&C The Govt. of AJ&K ("the Employer') has allocated funds through ADP towards the cost of 'Construction of Bridge (180+150) 330 Ft Span over RiverJhelum at Ambour Dist kluzaffarabad(AJ&K) 1. AJa IC and it is iMended that part ol the proceeds of the funds will be rippled to eligible psymirms under the Contract for Me i) Construction of Bridge (180+150) 330 Ft Span over River Jhelum at Ambour Di stt. Muzaffarabad(AJ&K). Bidding d open toall elig,tle Seders 2. The Employer. Superintending Engineer Highways Circle Muzaffarabed invites sealed Ws, under Single Stage-Two Envelope bidding procedure. from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category (C-3 above with field of SpeOakzation CE01-02) for the Works A foreign bidder is entitledtobidonly in a Joint venture with a Pakistani/Kashmir' constructor in accordance with the relevant provisions of PEC bye-Laws. 3. Eligtzlo Bidders may edam further information, impact and acquire the Bidding Documents from the Office of the Employer. Superintending Engineer Office Highways Circle Mumflarabad, 4. A complete set of f3idc4ng Documents may he purchased by an interested bidder on submission of a written application to the above office and upon papier/ of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 5250r-. (Rs. 5003/- /Mood. Fts. zoo/. TOT& Rs 50 KL0c) 5. All bids (Technical) must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of Rs. 2.100 memo (Rupees twenty one lac) for Construction of Bodge(180+150) 330 Ft Span Over River Jhelum at Ambour Odd Muzaffarabad (MK). or an equivalent amount in a freely wove dble orrency on the format of bank guarantee on bid security form provided in Bidding CAxuments or in the form of deposit al call or from a foreign bandulycounter guaranteed by a SchecluW1Bank in Pakistan/AJAX in favour of Employer and must be delivered to Superinteridng Engineers Office Highways Circle Muzaffaraoad. (Ph. 0092(0)5822- 921274) at or before12.30pm hours, on 21 Odeller. 2013. Bids will be opened at 1 CO pm hours oy the bid opening Committee on the same day, in the presence of bidder's representatives who choose to aft end at the same address. 6. AM bidders must fill in check list before submd.sion of bid in their own , interest as per section G of instructions to Bidders which is a I mandatory requirement. Superintending Engineer Highways Circle Muzaffarabad eatte....._ Phi 05822-921274 Cell H 0343-4446660

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